Tuesday, January 4, 2011

deep breath...

Hello friends...I have been so absolutely terrible about updating this lately that I'm pretty sure no one still reads it, but for those of you that do I've decided to post a little update (and of course a photo!).  Its a new year already, holy moly how time flies when you are having fun!  I have made a resolution to finish my photo project (which I can hardly call one photo per day anymore can I?) in 2011 and dagnabit I will!  I have also made a resolution to get better at applying for jobs - I have been slacking a bit lately, applying to new opportunities with the same tired resume layout that I've been using since August and its time for a new look and some new luck, so a resume face lift has begun!  In other news I have a part time job now at a cute little dog and cat boutique called DogDogCat here in South Lake thats helping to hold me over on my expenses until I find out whats next, but really anything could be and thats the scary part.  I can't survive on what I'm making for long, so its job or home to mommy and daddy where I can hide from real life expenses like rent and utility costs until I get back on my feet.

The stress of being completely unstable 3000 miles from home with a steady income that can't support me and the looming end of my loan forbearance, not to mention the recent end of my AmeriCorps health insurance and Blue Cross is still reviewing my application for my new plan, added to the stress of finding something that I truly want to do next, instead of just something that pays the bills has tied the muscles in my back up in painful knots and now i'm spending most of my down time wrapped in heating pads with my eyes closed taking deep breaths and assuring my subconscious that everything is going to work out just fine.  Today I slept in until 11, worked on my new and improved resume in bed until 1 and then finally got up to clean my room, wash the dishes, shovel the driveway, and walk to the grocery store, only to be back in bed by 8.  I am trying to slowly go through my belongings and trim off some of the excess weight with thrift store donation piles so that if a trip back across the country does become necessary, I can still fit my life in my car.  I love Tahoe, but do I love it enough to go bankrupt trying to stay here?  No, I really don't.  I can already feel my muscles tensing up just writing about it all, its time for a change, and all change is good change in my book; its all about finding your next adventure, not matter how bumpy the road that leads you there.

Heres to hoping all of you are ringing in the new year in a (hopefully) less stressful but equally exciting way!  Much Love, Shelby

Posted: obviously not enough
Left: too many for having been at this as long as I have.  That should all be changing sooooooooooon!

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