Monday, September 13, 2010

i betchu wonder where i've been!

You're probably thinking "one photo a day project?  I don't know how to tell you this Shelby, but its been several days since you posted a photo, and you didn't even warn us you'd be gone.  You probably totally forgot about updating this...didn;t even mean to miss all this time!"  And to that I would say "wow...I'm honestly surprised at how much you care, in fact I didn't even think people read this!" and then I would change the subject away from me forgetting to update for...what has it been? 5 days now? Goodness...and I have been trying to be so good about it!  At any rate, I took some pictures over the course of the weekend I promise, but because I took a hiatus without warning, I will impose a penalty on myself, and I will count them all as only one.  Soooo without further ado, some photos:

Thursday: Beaver officially deceived!  The white pipe is last years construction (deemed too small and not effective enough) and the barely visible black pipe is what we installed.  I'm going back in a few days to see if he has rebuilt and if the deceiver has been effective.  

Over the weekend: I made mint chocolate truffles to donated to the Tahoe Resource Conservation District Autumnfest Silent Auction to benefit the Tahoe Demonstration Garden.  I also made chocolate peanut butter pillows (same as the ones I made here) and mini sized chocolate chocolate chip muffins (recipe here, slightly adapted for a mini muffin tin) for the bake sale at Autumnfest.  A few recommendations:  The muffins would probably have been better if I had not used whole wheat flour, which while healthy, tends to add a bit too much of its wheat-y flavor to these little muffies.  The pillows were far more challenging this time because for some reason the chocolate dough on the outside was super crumbly (not at all the case the first time I made them) so instead of flattening a ball of the chocolate dough and then wrapping it around a ball of the peanut butter dough, I mushed the dough into little cups (that I should have take a picture of, sorrrrrry!) and dropped the ball of peanut butter in the middle then crumbled the sides of the cup down over it and called them chocolate lava cookies because the peanut butter oooooozed out through the cracks in the chocolate dough like lava.  Still tasty as ever, slightly more annoying to make, but all in all a good solution.  

This is a little moth that was hanging out on my screen,   I liked him so I took a picture.  PHOTO OF THE DAY!

How many have I taken?  Lots more than 226, but thats ok.
How many do I have left?  Roughly 139...thats lots!

Sorry for the delay Ace!  But now I'm (going to do my best to be) back in business and on time!  Hurray!

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