Monday, August 16, 2010

native or non-native

Ever since my work sent me to an invasive weeds training a few months back I have been constantly checking out the plants I find in the field and on the lookout for invasives.  Sometimes they are easy, like thistles (there are 2 that are native here, both of which are very distinct), sometimes they are harder (like the native daisy, shasta daisy, and the invasive daisy, oxeye daisy, which differ mostly in proportions of petals to flower center), and sometimes they leave me downright lost (like the one described below).  I just might have finally figured it out.

Sulfer Cinquefoil is a non-native invasive plant to the Tahoe Basin.  It has leaves that resemble pot leaves and light  yellow butter-cup like flowers.  Slender Cinquefoil is a native plant to the Tahoe Basin.  It has the same leaves and the same flowers, except the flowers are a much brighter yellow.  But wait...theres more!  There is another similar flower, whose name I'm not familiar with, native to these parts, pale yellow flowers, leaves like strawberry leaves.  This is not bad either.  IDing any of these plants before they flower is damn near impossible for me, but today, invaisve weed book in tow, while out at some property doing monitoring for work, I found this guy:

A beautiful example of Slender Cinquefoil.  I think I might have it down now...but we'll see....

posted: 205
left: 160

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