Monday, March 22, 2010

behind againnnn...

sooooo yeah...i missed another day, well...2.  I took pictures for both of them, I just never got around to posting them.  My bad, seriously, i'll try not to let it happen again.  It will, be you can rest assured I'll be trying not to let it happen when it does.  Anyway on Saturday I drove all the way up to Nevada City, I saw this on the way and had to pull over.  This is the North Fork American River, and the bridge in the foreground is the trail that I'm walking on.  The larger bridge on the tips of the hills is foresthill road i think, I had thought it was highway 80 but i was wrong, thats a few miles behind it.  Everyday here I find things like this and think "why did this happen?  who ever thought this was a good idea?"  Roads like this don't make sense to me.  Roads carved out of mountains and crossing huge expensive bridges over vast canyons and valleys.  I know, i know, you have to get from point A to point B and building these crazy roads is the best way to do that, but if any of you have seen the little, narrow, winding roads that service entire TOWNS out here you would understand where I'm coming from.  For a place thats supposed to be environmentally friendly, conservation conscious, and working toward sustainability, they sure raped the crap out of their landscape and environment before they got to where they are today.  
(Saturday's Picture)

posted: 95
left: 270

This one was taken in Coloma, CA at the Wildflower Walk held there to benefit the Sierra Nevada Alliance.  It was a beautiful day and we walked down a hillside covered with California Poppies all the way to the edge of the South Fork American River (1000 vertical foot difference) and back up to the house where the event was hosted.  It was perfect, and gorgeous, and despite all the time I spent sitting on the side of the path staring at the swaying poppies and beautiful blue skies, I still can't make the decision that I know needs to be made, ASAP. Thats just my little life drama though, and its not really important, not in the grand scheme of things.  What is are moments like this: 
Look at this photo and pretend you're 5 years old, laying in a field of flowers, looking at the sun and then blinking away the sunspots in your eyes.  Its almost like you can just breathe out all your worries with one heavy, happy sigh.  I like this picture because it makes me feel so free!

posted: 96
left: 269

And now for todays photo!
Whew, finally caught up.  This photo was taken this morning at Gold Bug State Park where I was helping the Resource Conservation District mark the locations of local vegetation (non-invasives) on a GPS for the landscape architect to use when planning the new and improved park.  The pink ribbons indicated the species to be saved, and this little guy is some kind of oak, but I don't know which.

Photos Posted: 97
Days Left: 268

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are getting into some awesome and exciting work out there!!
