Tuesday, February 9, 2010

time is limited

Because I'm really tired, I'm going to keep this quick, but i'll fill you all in on the details and post the rest of the photos later.  For now I'll post one for yesterday:
thats the most interesting part of Nebraska I saw.  After that we popped down in to Kansas, then over to Colorado for dinner in Boulder and then a night in Idaho Springs.  We got there in the snow and the dark, and woke to crisp clear blue skies.  Only then did we realize we were in one of the most beautiful places on earth.  Some highlights:

So thats yesterday and today.  I'll post more soon, there are dozens more pics of Colorado and then on into Utah that I will share sometime, but for now its bed time.  Good night everyone!  I'm finally in Pacific time, my new timezone.  Its 9:30 here, but in my head its 12:30.  Sleep calls.  

Photos Posted: 56
Days Left: 309

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