Monday, January 18, 2010


Brief update:  If you recall, when I started this whole blogging business...again, after my Peace Corps blog came to a close, I started up my job hunting blog and told you all about my efforts to find permanent or semi-permanent employment.  One of the many opportunities I was pursuing was an Americorps position in California.  I made it all the way to the second round interview and then was not selected for this position, HOWEVER just a few days ago I received an email, it seems it has opened back up, and I have been offered the opportunity to take it.  I hummed and hawed and thought and thought, its very late notice, training starts today so I would be getting there late and would be way behind everyone else, I need to finish up my Peace Corps medical crap before I can go, I would have no car, etc.  After much thought I realized these are all challenges I can overcome and this opportunity will be worth the sacrifice so I accepted, now i just need them to accept me back on my terms, my late arrival and lack of car, etc.  I gave my answer on Saturday and heard back that night, my requests are reasonable but need to be approved by my site, etc etc so I should hear soon.  

I've been checking my email every 5 minutes all day to see if I've heard from them, the royal "them", the ones who will decide my future, my very near future, namely if i'm moving in 2 weeks or not.  At about 5pm a friend reminded me that today is a holiday and I probably will not hear until at least tomorrow...and while thats logical and sensical and all that jazz, I'm still rather impatient so I took the doggies to the park and took dozens of pictures of puppies in snow and mountains and trees to settle my mind...heres my pick of the day:

Days Left: 331
Photos Posted: 34

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