Wednesday, December 16, 2009

one photo a day project

I've been thinking about this blogging thing a lot lately, for a number of reasons. First because I know my reading audience pretty well (All 3 Aunts, Gramma, Eleanor, Mom...thats about it..) so I can tailor my posts to things you might be interested in hearing. And also because its been a nice outlet for me personally to vent my frustrations, share my experiences (both in this small town and also in West Africa), and to say thanks to those who have been there for me through it all. That said, I'm kind of bored of it...mostly that my stories just aren't as interesting as they used to be back in Mauritania. (A word of warning to prospective Peace Corps volunteers: Peace Corps might very well be the best experience of your life so far, but it has had a tendancy to make all that comes after seem to fall a bit short...all I want now is another ADVENTURE)

So what can I do now? I don't want a boring job...I know I know, no one does, but lately I've just been feeling like a 9 to 5 desk job would crush my spirit...I'm just not ready to grow up, settle down, be responsible, or any of those things. I have slowly come to realize that I am at a crucial point in my life: I have more freedom right now than I will likely ever have again. I can move anywhere, do anything, be anybody. Throwing a dart at a map and moving there is certainly on my list of things to do, moving to a different city every month sounds fascinating, traveling overseas again is extremely appealing. I need an adventure, a new big thing. These start with baby steps: I'm currently working for the 2 weeks leading up to Christmas as a UPS Driver Helper, delivering packages to the good people of the towns surrounding my house. This is for the money, which I need badly. I am also selling handrolled homemade truffles and cookies to my friends and coworkers of my parents (A special thank you to my number one customer: Dad. You're the best!) I also have started an Etsy shop, I put an add for it on the sidebar of this blog if your curious, but you can also click here. where I am trying to sell my photography and some other stuff I've thrown together...this venture is not doing so well but I don't currently have the time to put the effort into fixing that. So whats next?

Onto my newest experiment. I want to update this everyday with a thousand words...better known as a picture. My rules for myself: One photo a day, taken that day, posted that day or as close to the taken date as possible. Photos of any subject, any style, as long as they are taken that day. Starting today.   This is more interesting than wordy explanations of the nothing that I have been up to, faster, and will force me to work on my photography everyday.  It will also allow me to take you all with me on my next adventures, where ever they may be. 
Days left: 364
Photos Posted: 1

Puppydog Eyes

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