Sunday, July 31, 2011

Son of a Beach

Another month later...

Updating my blog regularly is harder than I had thought it would be in St. Thomas.  Not because I'm so busy or even because I'm away from my computer or anything like that, in fact I'm quite far from busy and I'm on my computer at least a time or two a day.  Its not even from a lack of things to write about, that is not the case at all.  Since my last entry I have: witnessed carnival in St. John, seen a sting ray snorkeling, eaten my first genip and fresh (literally directly out of the tree) young coconut, had two friends visit from home, attempted a boat trip to Virgin Gorda (and ended up at Jost Van Dyke because of weather concerns), gone late night skinny dipping on the rocky shores of hull bay, gotten stuck in the sand in my friends jeep, been smashed by a giant wave on Magen's point, seen dozens of rainbows, faced off with a baby iguana, and that's just in the past month.  No, I don't thinks it's from lack of content that my blog is suffering, I think its from the island seeping into my blood.  I move slower, I nap more, I spend a good portion of each day just relaxing.  I'm sleepy right now actually.

My life is so utterly chill most of the time here that I lose track of time, days slip by without me really even noticing.  I've already been here for 2 and a half months?  When did that happen? 

At any rate its time to wake up, there is a storm brewing off the coast that could at any moment turn into a cyclone (read: hurricane potential) and preparations are necessary.  I am working a double today (in the office from 8 to 8, not my favorite way to spend a day but I chose it so that I can have the next day off) so I'm just sitting here at this computer refreshing the NOAA Hurricane Center website even though its not going to update again until 2.  Its kind of exciting and kind of scary to know a hurricane might be headed your way but this building has been here a long time and I have no reason to believe it will blow away this time.  An interesting side note, if this does develop into a tropical storm or hurricane the next name on the list is Emily.  I know that might mean nothing to you, but to me it means that this is my fault.  You see, yesterday was my good friends and former Peace Corps sitemates' wedding, and I decided my financial situation was such that I could not go, despite the fact that I realllly realllllllllllllllly realllllllllllllllly wanted to be there.   Today there is a big storm fixing to swirl its way right into Hurricane Emily and yesterday I skipped Emily's wedding.  I'm sorry Caribbean, I have brought down the wrath of Emily on you all.  All that I can do now is grovel and apologize and hope she calls the whole thing off. 

The stormyness of late has made for some fantastic sight-seeing off of the Mafolie Restaurant Deck and the other night I snapped a photo that I am so very truly extremely proud of, lightning in action.  Check it out below and let me know what you think!  See you on the other side of Hurricane Emily!

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