Monday, February 28, 2011


Here I am, sitting in my parents house in Vermont, looking back on the last year of my life...epic road trip part two completed.  Between February 2010 and February 2011 I:

*Moved 4 times, 2 of them cross country (6, if you count moving into and then back out of my car during the 2 weeks I spent homeless)
*Completed a volunteer term with AmeriCorps
*Drove well over 10,000 miles and visited 27 states

Ok, I'm done boasting about my instability now.  Long story short, I'm back in Vermont looking for temporary employment somewhere in the Johnson/Morrisville area, and living with my parents.

Epic road trip part deux was fantastic, I truly enjoyed the southern route, all sunshine and sandals, with the windows down and the sunroof open.  No weather woes for me!  I visited lots of friends that I hadn't seen in years and got to get all caught up with the girl I made the trip with, my college roommate Nicole, whom I hadn't seen more than a handful of times since graduation.  I had a wonderful time and I'll post pictures very soon but they are all on a harddrive that is out in the car and lets face it, I'm pretty lazy; and also its snowing so screw that.

Anyway, here I am!  So if you're on this side of the country give me a call, I would love to see you!  Sorry for the lack of updates from the road, we had a pretty action packed schedule that involved a lot of exploring cities, crashing on couches, and trying out interesting foods and beverages but not a lot of wireless internet connections.  I hope all is well with everyone and I'll write more soon!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

a few more sun sets and rises and minor panic attacks

I'm very excited for my trip, but I'm also nervous and a little overwhelmed.  Its going to be so much fun, this much I know, but its also going to be expensive and lotsss of driving.  I'm glad we're giving ourselves a few weeks rather than a few days this time, because I would really like to be able to enjoy all the new places and sights this time.  Not that I didn't last time, we just seemed to always be enjoying them from inside the car, with my one gloved hand hanging out the window taking pictures as we go.  So yes, this trip will be great.  And warm, and fun, and truly enjoyable.  

Saying good bye to Tahoe is getting harder and harder...with the date approaching I'm truly appreciating all of the friends that I have here, all of the good times we've had, and all of the amazing things I've experienced.  I've been out and about almost every night of the last two weeks, taking a cruise on the Tahoe Queen, taking Salsa dancing lessons, watching sunsets and rises, having dinner with friends, potlucks, and so much more.  I have to keep reminding myself not to idealize this place because I know I'm leaving.  I don't belong here, and I know that, so why draw it out?  No, I'm leaving.  Staying is too easy, it doesn't make sense.  Not to me.  so its onward, to new adventures and such...all very exciting and just a touch scary.  Anyway here are some more pictures of sunsets and rises and beautiful Lake Tahoe.

(these are all kinds of out of order because I didn't upload them right, but you get the idea, and i'm still counting them allllllL!)

Last Sunday sunrise from Kingsbury Grade

Monday night sunset over the lake

 Last wednesday sunset from the ski run marina

Tuesday morning sunrise over emerald bay

 morning sun drenched mountains of emerald bay

Another shot from the kingsbury sinrise

Wednesday afternoon walk at the marsh

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left: 115