Monday, October 11, 2010


11 days and 5 houses, 2 couches and 3 beds.  I'm 11 days into couch surfing and while I am not the biggest fan (I am a total homebody and not having a home doesn't really agree with me) I'm getting better at it every day.  I have been keeping busy, getting out of my little Lake Tahoe Basin comfort zone!  I have been applying to jobs like crazy.  Last weekend I headed to the Bay area with a bunch of ladies to hit up Hardly Strictly Bluegrass in Golden Gate Park, which was a blast!  Then this weekend I went visiting my old Placerville haunts on Friday, then hiking on Saturday and off to visit Bodie on Sunday.  I've wanted to get to Bodie since I got out here, so thats one more thing I can check off my California Bucket List!  After Bodie we made a few side trips around the Eastern Sierra to admire the freshly snow covered mountains and the changing leaves of the Aspens.  Here are some pictures, because thats what you really want to see!

Hardly Strictly Bluegrass with the Lovely Sarah

Mountian views from Saturdays hike

More Saturday hike...

Bodie - took most of my pics in Sepia tone because it only seems appropriate for a Ghost Town

Restroom break?

Very creepy old jail cell

Empty houses everywhere...would have been SO creepy if all the other tourists hadn't been there to keep us company


Old hotel billiard hall and saloon


Mono Lake at dusk

Thats all from me for now, hopefully I'll have a housing update soon.  Until then, keep your fingers crossed for my low riding little car, shes doing her best packed with all my things but shes not all that big!  

Friday, October 1, 2010

brief hiatus

As you may or may not have noticed, I have not been posting lately.  That is because this week has been a headache of epic proportions.  Work is going great, and so naturally something else would have to go wrong right? right.  On Sunday night my room mate Reyna's cat was accidentally let out of the house after I went to bed and before she got home.  Reyna has had this cat for 5 years and she has never gotten out even once until about 2 weeks ago, when doors were being left open and Jicima started getting out with alarming frequency.  Conversations were had and notes left, but the problem did not resolve itself.  At this point we hold out little hope of ever finding Jicima (Tahoe offers many predators that make the hope of finding pets after even a few days almost futile).  This has been the last in a string of difficult personality differences between us and our third room mate and we gave up hope on that too.

The beautiful Jicima, may she someday find her way back to Rey.

Last night, against my better judgement, I followed my heart out the door and, with the help of a few friends, moved out of the house in a matter of hours.  Reyna and I stayed with a friend last night and will be spending the weekend in the San Francisco Bay at Reyna's family home.  We will be house-sitting and couch-surfing for most of the month of October and then will hopefully find a room to share somewhere.  Sharing a room will hopefully let us save money and recoup the losses we are taking on this move, the loss of our security deposits and the bills that we have already paid.

Anyway, during this period of limbo I will have trouble updating my blog regularly as I won't have consistent internet access, but I will do the best I can.  I am going to be getting my etsy store  up and running again hopefully.  I have posted some of my photos, all old ones, but I'm hoping to get some Tahoe photos up there soon too.  If you would like to buy something from my etsy store, send me a conversation on etsy saying that you read this blog entry and what you would like and i'll make a new listing for you with a $1.00 discount on the item (this offer expires at the end of the month).

Anyway, thats my life update for right now, and as I sit here in a little Cafe and drink my coffee and look out the window at all of my worldly possessions piled in my very small car, I feel oddly free.  I have nowhere to go and nowhere to be and my life (well most of it...) still fits in my honda civic.  I have my reservations, but I still think I made the right choice for me.  Its time for a new adventure, and despite the fact that I no longer have a kitchen to bake in or a bed to sleep in, I have some great friends and some big plans...and everything will be all right.