Tuesday, July 20, 2010

big day

today was a big day: at work i did rapid stream assessments and hiked cascade creek from 89 down to Tahoe in an effort to locate any unhealthy areas that might need attention.  Then after work I bought a craigslist cheapo mountain bike (not awesome, but far better than what i had).  And then, while we were in the garage playing with my new bike i looked out across the street and saw first a coyote and then my first Tahoe bear.  He was slinking across the neighbors yard, right across the street!  Silly boy didn't notice that the neighbor was sitting in his chair in his driveway, not 10 feet from the bear.  When I said "is that a bear?" to my roommate he turned around, jumped up, and chased the big lug off his property and up a tree in the vacant lot next to his house.  Sadly I didn't get a picture of the bear or the coyote, but I did take this one at work:

and its alright i guess....not a bear or anything though...

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