Thursday, June 24, 2010


Whooopsy, i missed another one.  Sorry about yesterday folks, I spent all day at a training and completely forgot to take a picture!  I was so dissappointed when I noticed that I hadn't posted one for yesterday, but i am even more disappointed now, when I have to post the only one that I took today and its....well...its pretty lame. BUT I promise this weekend i'll make it up to you folks, i'm just dragging a little bit these days, too much to do, not enough time.  So without further ado, here is todays picture:

This is the eroding stream bank that one of the projects that i'm working on hopes to stabilize.  The very top/light brown is alluvial sands, next down is some finer sediment, followed by a clay layer that is folded and moved and bent and crazy looking, this layer was once upon a time the bottom of lake tahoe (when glaciers blocked the outlet and the lake filled the basin) and these deposits are found a few feet beneath the surface all over tahoe. Click to enlarge (if you're interested), its not a great picture, but the fresh erosion from high spring flows has made the soil layers very clear and easily distinguishable.  I think its very cool, but then again, i'm a bit of a nerd. 

posted: 147
left: 218

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