Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sad News!

Dear followers of my daily photo project:

As I have moved in to a house that does not have internet, and as I have limited access to the internet at this time, I think I might have to go on a short hiatus from my project for the time being.  What does this mean?  I will still be taking lots of photos, and I will still post some when I can, but I will not be counting these towards my one photo per day.  Starting from the last photo I posted, I will count all of the days that I miss from then until I get internet at my house (1 month, tops....I hope...) and add them on to the end of my challenge.  I have taken photos over the past week and a half that I am unable to post right now, but I will post them at some point, only I will not be counting them towards my one photo per day, as in the craziness of training I missed a few days (GASP!).  So thank you for following, and keeeeep it up, this is NOT over....but i'm going to need some time to get back into a routine after starting a new job in my new home with no internet and lotsssss of stuff to do!  Afterall, patience is a virtue!

Thanks for reading!  More to come, oh so very soon! (....I hope....)

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