Friday, March 12, 2010

rainy days

Today was cold and gray and rainy, and I came home and my pretty little flowers looked up at me with their little wet faces and they just looked so happy that I couldn't help but be happy too!  I baked fresh homemade mac and cheese with a bread crumb crust for dinner from a recipe I adapted from Alton Brown (a food network nerd that I idolize because I'm a nerd and I love other nerds! especially foodie nerds!).  I made it much like he did except I used sweet onions and sauteed them with baby portabello mushrooms, didn't measure anything, and left out the egg, and added a bit of sour cream instead.  I also used a random selection of cheeses, just to use up what was in my fridge.  It came out fabulous, if i don't say so myself.  mmmm mmmm good!  And then, just cuz I was in the mood for a pick-me-up, I opened the mail (even though I was going to save it for Sunday so I would have something to open on my birthday).  I had to share this, because I just have to say that I am blessed.  I have wonderful friends and a wonderful family and a wonderful lucky habit of finding people that treat me like family where ever I go.  I may be bored here sometimes, I may not have quite found my place in this town yet, but I have to be grateful for what I have, because its so much more than many.  So without further ado, here is my photo of the day, my little smiling flower.  It was taken with an extremely high (3200) ISO because my little flowers were out playing in the rain until well after dark, so thats why its so grainy.  I hope they make you smile too!

Photos Posted: 87
Days Left: 278

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