Saturday, March 27, 2010

focus on ferns

Today I went on the American River Conservancy's "Focus on Ferns" benefit walk.  I learned a LOT about ferns in the area, not to mention trees, mushrooms, flowers, and newts.  We hiked about 2 miles in, to a beautiful waterfall, where we sat and had lunch and then headed back up the hill.  It was an amazing day for it, perfect weather with blues skies and sunshine but not toooo hot; it was great.  Here is my fern/photo of the day:

This is a Goldback Fern, so named for the "gold" colored dusty spores it forms on the back of the leaves,  If you press it to your pant leg it will leave a print of its shape in gold powder.  

ps. I made a cheesecake today, but its for tomorrow, so perhaps a picture tomorrow...possibly even a recipe if i like it.

Photos Posted: 102
Days Left: 263

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