Friday, November 11, 2011

The Mother Land

So here I am, home again.  Back in Vermont for some R&R followed by who knows what...the world, once again, is my oyster.

I had a fantastic time in Florida, we went parasailing and watched dolphins play and got fake tattoos.  We visited the sponge docks (like little Greece!) where sponge harvesters collect sea sponges and hang them from their boats to bring in and sell.  We had lunch at a Greek restaurant that was DELICIOUS even if I did pronounce everything on the menu incorrectly.  We went out to see Footloose at the movie theater and I tried to wear Becky's high heels and failed miserably ("You look like a dinosaur!") and then got a little footloose myself and walked out of the theater barefoot.  The whole trip was amazing, I'm so glad I got to be there for Becky's birthday and hang out with her for a whole week!  I miss her terribly again already though...maybe I'll just have to move to Florida!

Next on the agenda after Florida was a night in Plattsburgh (my old stomping ground!) and I got to spend the day with Miss Jillian, whom I love dearly and really enjoyed seeing, but I wish I could have spent more time with her.  I met up with my lovely friend Jen in the evening and we met our other wanderful friend Merry out for dinner that night.  Then Jen, Merry, and myself attempted to do some dress shopping, I failed miserably but Merry, who had no occasion to buy a dress for at the time, found a beautiful red one that she HAD to get because it looked amazing on her and was on thus came about my formal Christmas party!  I'm going to have to throw a party this year so that she can wear her dress and I can wear mine, and hopefully so that I can see all my friends.  Plus, I can bake up a storm and we all know how much I love to bake!

Anywho, after Pburgh I headed back home to good old VT where I have been job hunting, semi unsuccessfully...yeah, I did get some positive responses, yeah, they are unpaid.  Why is it I can always land the jobs that don't pay but somehow can't get a well paying job for my life?!  You'd think with all my volunteer work I would have earned one by now...although I guess I did get one almost without trying and I pretty much turned it down because the good money is in the work I just can't see myself doing.  Case and point: oil field work.  Nope.  No thanks.  Not super interested.

So here I am, at home, taking pictures, baking bread, walkin dogs, applying to schools and jobs, and getting ready for a trip to Taiwan.  I'm so excited, this is going to be a blast!  And I get a sister (in-law) out of the whole deal so that's exciting...I've always wanted one of those!  Anyway here are some pics from VT so far, Taiwan pics coming soon (early December, when I get back!)

Full moon, long shutter speed, sweet tree!

Dog's head falls, where the dogs and I spent the 70 degree day we got this week.

Josey, cooling off after our 6 mile trek on the rail trail.

Rail Trail!

We've never been this far before, so many new places to explore!