Thursday, September 29, 2011

Time Flies When You're Having Fun!

I'm not sure where September when, but today's date assures me that the month is pretty much over, despite my disbelief.  And with the close of September comes the close of my time here in St. Thomas.  I have made the extremely difficult decision to leave (despite several lucrative offers to stay) after completing a person budget and coming to terms with the fact that living here at this stage in my life is not a wise financial decision (damn you student loans!).  So, once again, it's home for a regroup and new plans coming soon.  This time, more than any other, I am seriously considering grad school as a possible option (because I obviously don't have enough student loans already...) and have even gone so far as to sing up for the GRE.  I'll be one of the very first lucky idiots to be taking the new revised test, so grad school admissions folks - if you are reading this keep in mind that scores ALWAYS go down after a major change in the test, I'm smarter than my score will most likely make me look.  Reassuring right?  Not.

So, here I am, as per my usual, standing at the precipice of some new big adventure, waiting for the fog to clear and show me just exactly what it will be.  For now it's memory sharing time, here are the things that St. Thomas allowed me to check off of my bucket list: 

  1. Live on an island.  Self explanatory, awesome, enough said.
  2. Take a picture of a lightning bolt.  We all know I'm a photography nerd so this was a very exciting development for me.
  3. Snorkel in the Caribbean.  Spotted eagle rays, brain coral, sea turtles, starfish, tropical fish, urchins, and awesome-ness.  
  4. Night Snorkel in the Caribbean.  Bio-luminescence is amazing, underwater flashlights are fun, and big shiny silver tarpin fish are not sharks.  Phew.  
  5. Island Hop!  St. Thomas, St. John, Jost van Dyke, Tortola, and more.  Boats are fantastically fun toys in the islands.  
  6. Enjoy fresh Coconuts, straight from the tree.  And watch very talented West Indian Rasta guys scale palm trees like they're playground toys.  
  7. Experience a tropical storm/almost hurricane first hand.  Exciting, except not, when you work at a hotel these things usually mean canceled flights, equating to a very busy night in the office checking in disgruntled travelers in howling wind and pounding rain.  
  8. Hiking to gorgeous views and plantation ruins, read about the history of the ruins and the islands.  Did you know that slavery was abolished in the USVI several years prior to it's abolition in the states, but several years after it was abolished in the BVI (British Virgin Islands).  Brave souls used to build rafts, steal away in boats, and some even swam the short distance from St. John to Tortola; anything for freedom.  
  9. Share this adventure with my mom!  Very cool for my mom to get to come down here and experience this crazy place with me, it's the first time on of my immediate family members has been able to visit me on my travels and it was a really neat thing to share.  
  10. Ride a ferris wheel on top of the world.  Or so it felt, swirling around on the edge of the steep hill that is paradise point.  
  11. Night swimming; swimsuits optional.  Late night skinny dipping on secluded beaches with silly friends to cap off a fun night out?  Count me in!
I'm sure there's more but I'm too lazy to continue - the point is, I've had a very good run here.  Nothing sad about it ending, I'll come visit again someday and for now I have nothing but new and exciting things to look forward to.  I'm a lucky lucky girl.


Saturday, September 3, 2011

Me, Myself, and Irene

Time for my monthly blog update - St. Thomas + me + blog = failure.  I just can't seem to update this thing regularly, despite the fact that I'm sitting at a desk in front of a computer for close to and sometimes over 40 hours per week.  Anyway, here I am now, halfway through a grueling 12 hour work day with almost nothing to do at all, and I thought maybe I should put some time into updating this thing.  By the way, when did it get to be September?  My goodness where is this year going?

A lot has happened lately, happy and sad.  Irene came ripping through Saint Thomas and all my friends and family up north were calling and emailing to make sure I was alright, then, not even a week later she hit the north and I was emailing and calling all of them.  Somehow I thought down here in the warm Caribbean waters I would get the worst of the storm but it seems she was just getting started down here and she really did her damage far to the north.  Fortunately my family is all fine, and none of their homes were destroyed.  Unfortunately my friends in NY were not so lucky.  The town of Keene was hit very hard and had significant flooding.  The AuSable River, normally flowing at about 220 cubic feet per second this time of the year, reached an incredible 48,500 cfs in under 18 hours (check out the impressive hydrograph here).  The damage was catastrophic.  In Keene roads were wiped out, the fire station was washed away, homes were lost or buried in mud, families were stranded as their roads and driveways washed out.  In Willsboro power was lost and roads were washed out.  In Vermont entire towns were flooded, homes lost, downtowns under water.   My dad is up in Waterbury for the day volunteering and I dearly wish I could be there to help him.  If you'd like to help him, or folks in your town, here are some places you might look:

In New York State:  The NY Red Cross is coordinating volunteer efforts in all the towns in desperate need, contact them to find out more:

In Vermont: You can always contact the Vermont Red Cross ( but my congressman also sent me this great little site, a blog created to coordinate volunteer efforts and offers of housing, ways to donate, etc:

As you may have guessed from my time in Peace Corps and AmeriCorps, volunteering is a really big deal to me, and it's killing me that I can't be there for my friends and neighbors to shovel some mud and haul some sand bags.  Since I can't, I am begging those of you that can to help in any way you choose.

I don't think I ever thought I would be sitting here in the beautiful Caribbean dreaming of shoveling mud back home, but life surprises you sometimes. 

Outside of that I have had plenty of other little excitements.  My mother came down for a whirlwind birthday weekend of fun and we adventured around the down town, spent a day in St. John, and laid on the beach.  It was such a pleasure to be able to share my new home with my mom, I've never had many visitors at all the crazy places I move to so this was a particularly special treat.  Somehow the place seemed more magical when I was explaining it's virtues to her than it ever had before. 

I have also begun the job hunting process once again.  It seems I'm always "starting a serious job hunt" for about a month or 6, right up until I find something else temporary and exciting that distracts me from growing up and getting a big kid job.  That being said I'm (hopefully) once again on the big kid job hunt, so if you find anything feel free to send it my way.  I am being picky about my jobs this time around - #1 I want to be outside as much as possible at work.  #2 I like to work hard, in fact I love it if I am completely exhausted at the end of a day at work.  #3 I would ideally like to find a job I can feel proud of - something to do with helping people, animals, or the environment would be best, but I'll settle for one that avoids hurting any of those things if I have to.  I have had a lot of jobs I did and didn't enjoy and I think my travels and transiency have taught me a lot about what I want in a home and in a job, so even though the job market is still pretty terrible I think I'm going to take my time and be picky.  I have plenty of wonderful adventures to keep me busy in the mean time.

Anyway that's my life at the moment, a little Caribbean island hopping, a little momma visiting, a little beach laying, a lot of hours spent in this office.  Not half bad.